
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Story of Monday....and Soggy Post-Its

I was chopping onions and mushrooms to top a Monday night pizza when a most familiar feeling of dis-ease and resignation came over me. The "God it's only Monday and I have a whole week of the work grind ahead" feeling. Perhaps you know it? Perhaps it hits you while enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon... coloring the day a little blue. Why does this happen? (Haaa!!! Why does anything happen?) This is the trillion dollar question with no answer, or a perhaps the answers exist as a trillion different stories. The noticing of this tendency to favor (or dread) upcoming moments....moments that only exist in the imagination... is the beginning impetus to sort out the potent mechanism of mind. Really, one (thought/emotion/feeling...they are intertwined...TEF) is no better or worse than another in the grand scheme of things. (Am I full of shit here?) No TEF is personal, unless I claim it. Each TEF is happening now....IS my now whether I like it or hate it. It truly is a mec