
Showing posts from 2019

The Sky is I-ing

As I write this post it is snowing outside. Snowing is happening. And so is typing. Thought-ing, breathing, living, seeing---all happening. To not attribute any of the happening to someone or something is key, and counter intuitive to how we operate as persons in the world where I am the thinker, the breather, the seer.....where I am the writer of a post. I still get caught in the claiming. I still get caught in the I-ing. I-ing happens just like snowing happens. Thought-ing and I-ing are the same happening, as the I idea is a thought. Thoughts and typing and snowing are all objects of perception. And even perceptions are a registering-- a certain kind of sensating, that is seen. Is there anything not in front of the lens of seeing? It could only be the seer. Who or what is the seer? When I look for that which is seeing I find nothing. Well not nothing, but no-thing. No thing graspable or even really describable. Just a here -ness which has no thing-ness about it. A presence tha