A Brand New Day

I guess the first post of a brand new blog should set the tone for what might be appearing here in time. What if... sets the tone wonderfully! Heartfelt thanks to Anita Avent for the beautiful mysterious words that pulled me in... pouring fuel on the fire.

I have been a seeker of the spiritual Holy Grail...enlightenment or awakening...for many years. Really, I was determined to know the bottom line.....what underpins it all.

I began a scarcely read blog called Reality and Eternal Existence in 2009 to think out loud about the most basic of subjects. There I explored whatever fascinating pointer that came into view on my quest for the truth of reality.

There were a range of interesting stages...the first and foremost was the You Create Your Own Reality stage discovered when reading Jane Roberts' Seth Speaks. And to Abraham Hicks, and to the Law of One...a fascinating and beautiful compilation of channeled conversation with the Ra Group (extra-worldy 6th dimensional beings).

I sampled astrology and the very useful and wonderful Human Design which is used for vehicular navigation in the world (program/dreamscape).

But waiting behind the phenomenal world exploration were the teachers of non-duality. The first I found was Adyashanti back in the mid 2000s. Distractions happened, but I found my way back to non-duality via Youtube featured teachers like Adya and Rupert Spira, BATGAP, and the group that currently people my subscriptions list. Mooji, Francis Lucille, Bruce Rubin...etc point to that bottom line I was searching for.

I found myself gravitating towards female teachers....Jac O'Keeffe, Jan Frazier, Aisha Salem, Amoda Maa Jeevan, Unmani Hyde ...and inhaling spiritual books by the dozens. Fed the void, I did.

Life lives us...guides us...to exactly where we need to be. It is a beautiful thing! A trip to Raleigh, NC in April 2016 introduced me to the teacher/spiritual example that would lead me down the home stretch. It was Anita Avent's beautifully written words that sat me down and shut me up so to speak, leaving me pit of the stomach sure that the path had shortened and narrowed.

Almost 1 year later I returned (recently) to Raleigh and Anita, to attend a one day retreat with Jan Frazier.

BOOM. And not a BOOM.....it was nothing like how I have imagined awakening would come about or feel. As has been said countless times, it is ordinary. It has been here all along. It is natural and vibrant and all that is. It has been said that Awakening is the beginning of one's spiritual life...of real life...and I can now see the truth of this.

Baby steps it was. Steps going nowhere, ultimately, but each a necessity. I hope to share life from a new viewpoint on this blog. There is now space to breathe....(there always was)...a great endless space hosting everything. I am looking from that place (most of the time) consciously now.....settling in to a new way of seeing.


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